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Polka Dot Frenzy.

Dress – Forever 21 // Wide Leg Pants – New York and Company // Handbag – Dooney and Burke // Shoes – Nine West

Hey there!

Happy hump day, everyone!  I am thankful for making it halfway through this work week despite the fast paced madness of my day time gig!  How about you? Are you good?

You know, we shopaholics sometimes go overboard.  We need, need, need to shop and many times we overlook the gems we may already have in our arsenal of clothing. Today I challenge you to go closet shopping and pull out those items you haven’t worn in a while that still look amazing!

I say this, because for this post, I pulled two items out of my closet that I hadn’t worn for many moons.  Nor, had I ever put the ensemble together!  See what happens when you closet shop?  I think I did pretty good.

The dress/tunic is from Forever 21 and was what I wore when I held my granddaughter Kennedy for the first time. The wide legs pants are from New York and Company.  And my confession for today, I have a slight obsession with polka dots.  Whenever and wherever I am shopping and I see polka dot print, I am drawn to them.  Go figure!  So for this post, I’m giving you life with polka dot overload.  Enjoy!

Until next time, love and light.


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