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Black Businesswomen ROCK! Take Over Los Angeles!

Hello Stylistas!

Last Saturday, I had the pleasure of being present at the 5th Annual Black Business Women Rock! Conference & Expo.  As a new business owner, it was my first time attending! Over 500 women converged on the Los Angeles Airport’s Renaissance Hotel for a day filled with activities and networking opportunities.  At the beginning of the conference we were introduced to the moderators for the day, Jill Jordan Greene; Executive Business Leader & Michelle Washington; CEO for the “Women of More” magazine.


Moderators for the conference, Michelle Washington (far right) &  Jill Jordan Green (left)

Guests enjoyed a yoga and meditation session to release stress and accept all things positive for the day.  There was also a motivating musical performance and a number of panel presentations:

  1. “Unlocking Your Power & Purpose”

  2. “Secrets to Scaling Your Growth & Leadership Skills”

  3. “Family Business Success”

  4. “Mother and Daughter Conversation”

  5. “Unapologetically Me”

  6. Keynote address: “The Power of Quiet”

Attendees were blessed with a myriad of knowledge on running a business; whether they were thinking of beginning a business, owners of a startup or a seasoned entrepreneur.


A variety of vendors filled the breakout rooms, so I had to monitor my pocketbook and spending, lol!  And music lovers were serenaded by a dynamic female disc jockey, spinning funky tunes!

I was so uplifted by the story of the founder of this organization, Natalyn Randle, who spent over 20 years working for AT&T before starting her own business.  She decided at age 52 to begin this endeavor with her daughter, Kawai Matthews.  Kawai, a graduate of UC Berkeley, was fresh out of college, trained and ready to launch with her mother into great things!


I ran into a number women from childhood or my recent past who are out in the world making a difference!  The day inspired me to continue on my path. Know that, “You are never too young to start an empire and never too old to start a new dream.”

Until next time, love and light!




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