Warrior Princess, Jordan Drew Payne (4 months old)
Imagine, receiving a phone call from your daughter in law and son with the news that they’re pregnant with triplets! I held on to my kitchen countertop as my husband spewed the words, “Kalelia is pregnant with triplets.” We were both shocked and elated.
As I began to share the good news with family and friends, I was literally met with either a WOW! or a gaping mouth. I couldn’t wait!
In March of this year, my worse fears came alive when I received an early morning call from my son Bradley, with news that Kalelia’s water had broken. She was only 23 weeks into her pregnancy, and everything I researched painted very grim scenarios. These babies would not make it. And if death wasn’t their fate, disability was sure. I gathered myself as best as I could, and boarded a flight to Dallas to be with my children. By the time I got there, my granddaughter Parker Lelani had arrived into the world stillborn. My heart broke in two. I prayed and pleaded with God that the other two babies; both girls, make it. Kalelia’s life was also at risk if sepsis occurred. I felt as if my world was turned upside down.
Madison Dionne and Jordan Drew were delivered, both less than 1lb. Their fragile, under-developed bodies, cried out for their mother’s womb as they were placed in a hospital incubator. Within a day or so, Madison took a turn for the worse. Before my plane landed back in Los Angeles, she passed away because of a brain bleed.
I cried…I asked God why…I cried… I was on edge…I sobbed…I was outright pissed! But I soon realized that my emotions needed to be checked, and that GOD is sovereign! “Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning.” Psalm 30:5
Fast forward to Sunday, July 24, 2016 (4 months later), my little grandbaby, Miss Warrior Princess, Jordan Drew Payne, was released from Methodist Dallas Medical Center.
After heart surgery, numerous blood transfusions and other procedures, she is home with her family! God is good and we are so grateful for his mercy!
Until next time, love and light,

In Memory of Parker Lelani and Madison Dionne
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