Shirt/Faux Leather Bustier Combo – New York and Company // Wide Leg Pants – New York and Company // Tie – The Hubbs Closet // Pumps – Nine West Shoes // Handbag – TJ Maxx // Sunnies – Old // Earrings – Forever 21 // Images by – Maya Lott
Hey there, Style Mavens!
Gearing up for tomorrow and totally siked about time away for the holidays. Sorry if I’m repeating myself, but I can’t contain my joy!
The look in this post was shot on a very cold day in Los Angeles with my photographer/niece after her return home after many months! I was so excited to catch up with her, but I wasn’t too thrilled with the 40 something degree weather we had to brave! And for those of you who are cold tough, don’t judge me! I’m a #caligirl to the bone!

It was cold!! Brrrrrr.

My next post will be on Christmas Day!
Love you guys and Happy Holidaze! And remember, Jesus is the reason for the season!